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Made by Nursing Experts, for You

  • 1,600+ practice questions

  • 99% pass rate

  • Full-length exam simulation

  • Pass or get 300% money-back


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  • 1,600+ practice questions

  • 99% pass rate

  • Full-length exam simulation

  • Pass or get 300% money-back

Best in Class

The science shows that FNP Mastery subscribers outperform their peers. All because our team of nurses and nurse educators know exactly what it takes to teach skills in ways you’re sure to retain.

Quite a Few Questions

You’ll get 1,600+ exam questions with full explanations and pictures

We Cloned the Exam

Nothing can prepare you quite like the full-length exam simulation you’ll receive when you subscribe to FNP Mastery.

Reliable Resources

Our learning materials are created by nurses and nurse educators who are literal experts on all of the topics you’ll tackle.

The reviews are in, and they’re spectacular. 4.8 stars!

“You will pass the first time. FNP Mastery is an excellent study tool for your boards. Lots of practice questions, quizzes and even a study reminder. It's a great investment and I highly recommend it!”


“Excellent for learning. As a busy mom, FNP Mastery makes studying on the go very convenient. It has relevant questions and explanations of the answers. It is also a great resource to use in everyday clinical practice.”


“FNP Mastery is THE best study tool, hands down. It provides hundreds of in-depth practice questions and reviews all the key components to achieving FNP. It has been a critical resource in my preparation.”


“Nothing compares. Best study tool. Took my boards and passed on the first try.”



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