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Made by Experts, for You

  • 430+ prep questions

  • 130+ megacode questions

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  • 430+ prep questions

  • 130+ megacode questions

  • 4.7 stars

  • 200% money-back guarantee

Best in Class

The science shows that ACLS Mastery subscribers outperform their peers. All because our team of nurses and nurse educators know exactly what it takes to teach skills in ways you’re sure to retain.

Quite a Few Questions

You’ll get 430+ ACLS prep questions with full expert rationales


Every rhythm that could appear on the MEGACODE is in here, so you’ll be ready for any scenario.

Reliable Resources

Our learning materials are created by nurses and nurse educators who are literal experts on all of the topics you’ll tackle.

The reviews are in, and they’re spectacular. 4.7 stars!

“Great learning app! Didn't miss one question! Thanks for a great resource.”


“Best app! Helped me with my medsurg cardiac exam and final. It's a must have.”


“Really well done!! I actually enjoyed the scenarios while both refreshing my knowledge and picking up some unknown pointers as well!”


“Wonderful! Really helped me prepare for my upcoming ACLS. Thank you so much.”



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