Finding The Right Space

I grew up conscious of all the sacrifices my parents made for my sister and I

Hi everyone! My name is Lila.

I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina and my parents moved us to the US when I was four.

Being the child of immigrants, I grew up conscious of all the sacrifices my parents made for my sister and I to come to the US to have a better life, as well as an education. This motivated me to always do well and make myself proud, but mostly, make my parents proud.

I am currently a BSN student, hoping to work in Trauma ICU right after school, and CRNA is the end goal.

I started a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog at the beginning of school, and had it for a few weeks until I decided it just wasn’t for me. I felt I wasn’t making any difference with that, so I converted that into a nursing blog! This blog is to help other nursing students along the way and inspire others to the nursing profession, and I love that I can share my passion with others.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I believe we all have a duty to help those around us; there is a tangible satisfaction to it. The nursing profession is held with such high regard for a reason - nurses truly have great ability to serve others and make a difference. It is such a rewarding and fulfilling career that I cannot wait to be apart of.